Thursday, June 4, 2009

How can you not have a huge crush on Obama?

The Cairo Speech. He had me at assalaamu alaykum

Any comment will be an understatement. Just go ahead, get your daily stimulus package: 55 minutes of brilliance

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh, dear Dana, I hope we're not seriously disapointed. Talk is so cheap, but the US is still the largest arms producer in the world, has most bases overseas, and, well, American capitalism still has its interests.
The speech really was inspiring, but will actions follow? Some sad signs (prolonged detention) indicate he might not be as "liberal" as we hoped for. Will he really stick to "no settlement activity whatsoever", or, will things continue, "same as it ever was' (quote from Talking Heads).
When I see the siege removed from Gaza, I might begin allowing myself to be more optimistic.

----- (surprise, surprise, I was positive you'd write in Hebrew....
I'll stick around, if you don't mind...)