Language overwrite, to the untrained muscles of the brain, and while one was able to converse in two languages before, just thinking in one becomes a tiring exercise.
Overwhelming like the Union Square passage from the L uptown to the NQRW Monday morning. Adaptation happens whether we make room for it or not. It's the three month review.
Everything serves to further said my fortune cookie today, and I don't mess with anything that comes from China Town
Sleep is the BEST
thing for your immunization system.
And water for your skin.
It's the same cycle, the second year. beginnings, new setting, same self
And like it or not, it will soon snow.
It's really not a big deal.
Just a fact.
“Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you,” Rashi. This is how the new Cohen Brother's movie opens.
Dark, heavy and bizarre. It looked like a Hopper painting.
A picture from the land of the free, and the borough of Kings
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